Heart Attack or Stroke Emergency


heart attack immediate emergency care

By mouth – take a glass of warm water, at least 100ml, and add 5ml of the pure DMSO, mix, drink it. Most take this twice daily but fine to take 4 times daily.

according to this dmso is used intraveniously to reverses heart attacks



Aspirin thins blood. Go ahead and give the sufferer some aspirin.  Very little is needed
Drink Vinegar for immediate effects of arteries.  Dilute.  1 Tbls. in half up water --- probably every half hour at first and then taper down to every other hour.  All along with NO FAT.

Have patient lie down on his left side to cause the least strain on the heart.  Make sure as best you can that there is the least stress on the patient.  temperature.  silence. lighting.  slow deep breaths...  let them be like they are asleep while they are still awake.
Number one, when a patient starts complaining of heart attack or stroke symptoms, at that point do not allow any kind of fat to enter his body.  Fat globs in the blood stream will block an artery that is narrowed.  

Usually the complaint of chest pain comes after a meal.

I hate to recommend emetic because the act of vomiting itself causes stress on the body, but in the case of strokes, the patient will probably vomit anyway.  This is the body realizing it can not handle anymore food/fat in the blood.  Empting the stomach prevents another load of fat from getting absorbed into the blood stream.  

 Fat is any kind of fat -- not just meat fat or dairy fat (butter, cheese).  Also blockage is caused by olive oil, other vegetable oils, any oils. 

 I'm not sure about mineral oil... but don't take chances.  If you want to give a simple enema, let it be no oil, just warm water.   Or, depending on the condition of the patient, a suppository could help empty the bowel.  Food enters the blood stream from the bowel, but before giving an enema or a suppository, make sure the patient is up to it.  Consider that the body itself can shut down the bowel in an emergency.
give water only, and add a tsp of vinegar to every glass of water to help cut the fat globs.  It is the fat globs that are causing the blockages that causes the attack.  Especially when the arteries are finally so narrowed from increasing fat over the years, finally the arteries get so narrow they can't pass a glob. 
If there are clots involved, death is at the door.  There is no immediate treatment for clots.  
If the patient survives, or after he comes home from the hospital -- put him on a strict no-fat/no-oil diet.
  Pasta with no-oil Italian tomato sauce
  Rice with no-oil seasonings (vinegar, salt, soy sauce)
  bread with jam (no butter)
  oatmeal cold-soaked in fruit juice
.  Dr. Esselstyn allowed his patients to smoke and use salt without stint.  All of his patients were alive 20 years later, and free from heart-disease and off all hear medications.

Salt does not cause heart disease.
Cigarettes do not cause heart disease.

What causes heart disease is oils and fats.  Since Esselstyn's 20-year study published in the medical journals, more doctors and researches have found that the no-fat/no-oil diet prevents and CURES other diseases.  Starting with 100% cures for type II diabetes.


Baked Spaghetti


1 lb. macaroni cooked to al dente

2 jars spaghetti sauce ≈20–24 ounces each jar

1 large can/jar sliced mushrooms ≈7 ounces with juice 

1/4 cup nutritional yeast (instead of cheese)

My jar-spaghetti sauce is already on the too salty side, so I do not add salt.  

I use a Pyrex 13x9 glass pan, no grease, no parchment paper.

Layer sauce, noodles, mushrooms, sauce, with cheese on top.

Bake uncovered 40 minutes at 325°

Remove pan from oven and cover with a cookie sheet to retain steam during the cooling.  Aluminum foil is risky, and Saran Wrap will melt, so the cookie sheet works best.  But if you are using a casserole dish that has its own cover, all the better; now is the time to put on the cover.  Allow covered dish to set about a half hour before serving.

4 to 8 servings.  

The whole pan is about 2050 calories when the sauce is oil-free and nutritional yeast is used instead of cheese.

How to quit cigarettes using the gum

The secret is to perfectly do a gradual taper.  The gum makes this possible,

As for cigarettes with Gabe, I would be willing to buy him the 4mg gum squares with instructions how to wean yourself from tobacco.  Meth use might make it harder, but I think it can still be done.  This method works even for alcoholics who keep drinking while they are tapering off nicotine.

This quit program works relatively painlessly if you stick to the rules.

Rules for success:

Start with one full 4mg square every waking hour.  Leave the gum in the mouth the whole hour, and replace it with a fresh gum after the hour.  This would be 16 gums per day and 8 hours sleep.  Use the first 2 or 3 days to adjust more/less — but after you have made the determination, STICK TO IT and this is where you start your taper.  It will be a point where you are comfortable.

For a meth user, because of their sleep habits, that will have to be adjusted -- what is the longest waking stretch vs. longest sleeping stretch?  Without meth that would be 16-8 or 12-12.  But with meth it could be 36-18.  So if it is 36-18 then use the 4mg square every waking hour 7 days.

After the first 3-day adjustment period and you have determined where you are going to start your taper, then continue with that level (example: one full square every hour for 16 hours) for 3 full days.  Make sure you are comfortable with that level of nicotine in your blood before trying to reduce the level.  Go to fast in cutting down and you sabotage yourself.  You are not allowed to go back up once you cut, so be sure.

If you are reasonably comfortable with that level of nicotine during waking hours in the blood, then you can go to step 2.  Reasonably comfortable means not wanting to cry, not snapping at people, able to function.  Not suffering.  If you are not reasonably comfortable you are not ready to reduce the amount from 4mg.  So go another week or however many days are needed to get comfortable.  Going extra days is not going to hurt anything.

What kills the program is going over the 4mg level.  That can happen by having two gums too close together.  You have to pay strict attention to the clock.

This is step one, and the remaining steps are like it.


Reduce your hourly dose by 1/8th of a sliver of a square.  Save the sliver.  You will use it later. when you are near the end of your taper. Don't reduce again for at least the minimum set amount of days (3 or 7).   Make the STRICT rule to yourself that you will NEVER let yourself backslide.  One you reduce, the reduction is for life.  Even if you are stuck at that level for life, it is cheaper and more bearable that full blown smoking.  Don't worry that you will be stuck there for life, because if you keep the rule, you will eventually be able to reduce again.  Even if eventually is months away, at least you are headed in the direction of being free from nicotine.  But because of the no blackslide rule, be CAREFUL when you make the decision to reduce that you really are ready to reduce.  There is always some slight discomfort the first day, so be prepared for that.

One time I reduced too soon.  I got excited because I saw this was working.  And because of my backslide rule, I was unable to fix my mistake.  I SUFFERED and it was no fun.  And it was unnecessary.   I learned my lesson.  Stick to the rules.  DO NOT REDUCE your dose until you are sure you are ready for it -- make sure you are comfortable with a level for at least 3 days before reducing the level again.


Reduce your hourly dose to 3/4 of a square.  Save you little quarter-squares for later.  3 little quarter-squares put together equal another 3/4 square.

You get it how to do the rest.  Finally you will be down to 1/8 sliver of a square every hour.  Then you can start lengthening the time between doses 15 minutes at a time.  Again, wait 3 days to make sure you are comfortable before extending your time.  This means you have to pay serious attention to the clock.  Once you can get up to 1/8 sliver every 4 hours, you might notice this is when you will start to forget your dose.  When that happens, take it when you remember and start you time count from the time you took the forgotten dose.  Never think like, Oh, I missed my 3pm and here is it 7pm so now I can have two slivers...  NO!   The reason is again that you don't want your body to experience any other than a down-going level of nicotine.    Not even for one glorious hour.  The gradual reduction of the level in the blood, consistent, without ever going over is the reason why this method works.

The reason why other quit methods do not work is because of the up/down in the nicotine level in the blood.  You want to achieve a steady and consistent reduction.  Any time you go above your achieved low level, you have to start again at that goof up point, and then you end up in a yo-yo situation.  It could be another year before you can try this method again if that happens.  So don't let yourself mess up.  It is not like going on a diet and you "slipped" by eating a candy bar.  

If we are going to use the diet analogy, then we have to say that the candy bar caused you to gain back the 20 lbs. you just worked so hard to lose.  So, dieting is not the same at all, and tapering off nicotine is nothing at all like burning fat.

Never let the level of nicotine in your blood increase beyond your latest achieved low level, no matter how long it took you to get there,    Figure that even if you never your whole life progress beyond, say, a half gum piece per hour -- hey! that is better than being enslaved to smoking.    A half gum per hour is live-able. You can still do everything you want to do (except take Holy Communion) and save lots of money.

Do not count sleep hours, for different reasons, but mainly because nicotine levels in blood are not reduced enough during sleep, otherwise you would wake up in the middle of the night from a nicotine fit.

I was surprised that both times I was able to quit with one box of gums.  I was finished with my taper before I ran out of gum.  I still have some squares left over from my last quit.  I had 2 quits, one in 1995 and one in 2002.  That 2nd quite proves what an idiot I am -- going back to cigarettes a second time.  But I will never get tricked again.   Still I sometimes think about havin a cigarette.  I might want one, but I thank God I don't need one.  There was a time when I did not have the choice whether to smoke or not — it did not matter what I wanted (like on Sunday morning before Communion).

Smokers, even quit smokers have to live with being "smokers" whether they smoke or not.  Like alcoholics who do not drink.  I am a smoker who does not smoke.  I can never go back to being somebody who never smoked.  But it does get easier,  As time goes on.  Now after 20 years, I might think about a cigarette only  2 or 3 times a year.  Now, also, discussing it no longer triggers a craving, where for many years before that was not so.

I imagine any addiction is similar.  But I have heard different people say that it was easier for them to give up heroin than cigarettes.  


June 12, 2024

Feast of Annunciation

on my way home from Lowe's I took the time to pick up some trash on the highway, and this disposable vape device was among the trash items.  I don't pick up butts except directly in from on my house, but now it looks like this plastic thing will be replacing the butts/filters that are made of fiberglass and do not degrade.  People just throw their butts out of the car window and don't think anything of it

I decided to check out the cost:  

Online it says this device has 9000 puffs at 5% and is priced at $13.99

most reliable estimate (confirmed by Quora)

1 cigarette = 40 vape puffs at 5%


20 cigarettes = 800 vape puffs 


11 1/4 packs = 9000 puffs

So, a 5% vape device 9000 is appx. the cost of a carton.  Since a carton of cigarettes now is about $20, that is a considerable savings.  

When I was addicted to nicotine I wanted something like this so bad.  I wanted control -- where I would never have to throw a nicotine fit.  I did not enjoy smoking and I hated how it had control over me.  I would have taken a pill instead of a cigarette if there were such a thing.  Nobody every volunteers for that experience of nictoine withdrawal...  it is the most miserable and incapacitating withdrawal I ever experienced.  Coffee and kratom are nothing — NOTHING! — in comparison.

I still see the gum as the only way to withdrawal from nicotine.  It needs a very slow and very exact taper.  The gum lets you get it exactly.   Exactly reduced a little tiny bit every 3 or 5 days...  It is still no fun, but at least you can function.  You need about 2 or 3 months with no traumas.  You have to be careful to stay peaceful, because even with the slow taper, there are "triggers" that increase the symptoms.  You have to psych yourself up to not react to anything.  Not to try to get anything done or have any urgent task to do.  Just try to float through the day, like treading water.  And don't try to taper down faster than you can.  Make sure you are ready for each time you reduce your dose.  Ready means you are completely comfortable with the level of nicotine in your blood before reducing it another little tiny bit.

I remember I was down to 1/8th of a gum every 2 hours before I started forgetting to take my doses on time.  I got down to 3 doses (1/8th of a gum cube)  a day and then wondered if I could get away with dropping it altogether.  It was a scary last step, but I decided to go for it. 

It was not easy.  A few months later I started smoking herbal cigarettes trying to appease my desires...  but that was a waste of money...  I would go 2 or 3 days with no problem, then get hit with a craving -- but I assured myself that it HAD to be psychological, and not physical, or I would not have made it through the previous 2 or 3 days.  And sure enough, if I concentrated on "changing the subject" in my mind -- think of ANYTHING else -- the craving would pass.

I came up with a game that distracts me.  I look around for a word.  Any word. A word on a billboard, or a street sign, or the spelled-out word of some object I could see.  Then I played that game where I tried to make as many words as possible out of those letters.  It gave me something to concentrate on and helped me to "change the subject."  

It was many years, over 10 years, before I was able to talk about cigarettes without triggering at least some mild desire.  Even in the past 12 months I had a dream where I was trying to get to a store to buy a pack of cigarettes.  So maybe it never leaves us — maybe it is never possible to return to what life was before cigarettes.

Now that I'm quit 20 years there is nothing that could entice me to risk reviving that addiction.  During covid for the first time in my life I actually lost weight without cigarettes.  I was actually able to do a diet.



Vegetable Soup

1 bunch Celery  w/ leaves

1½ cups Lima Beans 

1 can Corn

½ cup soy milk powder

¼ cup nutritional yeast

1 Tbls. garlic powder


for skin cancer use this (it works)
cymilium  http://www.cymilium.com/Orders.html 
  or also try an herb RADIUM weed (petty spurge), I will be trying to naturalize radium weed in my yard this summer 2023

first thing to do before anything else: 
     Any low-protein plant-based diet will work.  But, McD's is the healthiest and most sustainable.  Protein encourages cell growth.

Other cures suppressed by mainstream medicine because it threatens profits.

     google:  Dr. Walter Kempner rice diet

     google:  Naturopathic Doctor, Harry M. Hoxsey cancer.

     google:  Dr. Otto Heinrich cancer


Introduction to the McDougall Program

Part 2

AMAZING new information about ivermectin as an effective treatment for cancer.  Especially prostate cancer.  Use search engines that do not discriminate against ivermectin.  StartPage is a good one.


Dr. Abrams, oncologist

University of California

Nutrition and Cancers: Do's and Don'ts


Updated information on reducing cancer, surprisingly from mainstream medicine, 2023


     This advice is very close to the basic McDougall principles: low protein, plant based.

This video is available for download from  Shared Library.

American Institute for Cancer Research has 10 recommendations for reducing risk of cancer

#1 in 2007 recommendation was to "be as lean as possible without becoming underweight"

(2018 updated wording, "keep weight within the healthy range and avoid weight gain in adult life")

See videos in Joanna's Shared Library.  
Link for Shared Library is in the sidebar of the Remnant ROCOR blog.
No video is view-able from the Library,  It can only be downloaded.


 in addition to a strict McD diet, I would
also try DMSO.  Use it like BenGay® and apply to the area 2x or 3x per
day.  I know of a man in Oregon who cured himself of cancer of the
esophagus.  He took by mouth about a teaspoon of DMSO 2x/day and would
let it trickle down his throat.  DMSO can be purchased wherever they
sell horse supplies, like at a farm store or feed store.  It works
better if a little water is added.  About 1 part water to 3 parts
DMSO.  It is cheap.  About $10-15 a pint.  Usually it is used for pain
and inflammation, but they are finding new uses all the time, like how
it can dissolve clots that are causing a stroke.  Good thing to have
on hand for this reason alone.


In case the cause is some chemical, whether from food or some other
origin, a tablespoon of diatomaceous earth every day for the next
several months will "detox" the system, especially of any heavy
metals.  This is why it works so well for arthritis, because it cleans
out the excess calcium and other deposits that have accumulated in the
joints.   This has to be ordered online, it is cheap, just make sure
it is "food grade" -- PermaGuard is the one I buy.  It works.

Most cancers respond to  diet.  Not all cancers, but most do.  Part of it is the low protein,
since protein stimulates growth.  Another part of it is the chemicals
found in high protein foods -- but I think that is a small part since
even in early America when there were no chemicals anywhere people on
high protein diets (such as explorers and wagon trains dependent on
hunted animals) had a lot of various tumors.

check also herb chapparel

Great Cancer Documentary


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G45f8bNgj9w   [1hr. 24min.]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx7W662gd8M  cancer conspiracy 1:32

Cancer poultice with  CHAPPARAL



 other Herbs I might try:
Herb Robert  Geranium robertianum
Moringa Tree  Moringa oleifera


If I found I had cancer, in addition to the strict McD diet, I would want to try this.   It looks like a gimmick, but it has also had enough success to make it worth a try.  It can't hurt.  The main ingredient is sheep sorrel which is a tasty herb that grows like a weed in fields and pastures.  I had it growing in my garden and added it to salads. It has a very pleasant tart taste.  I'm not sure if the formulae that is sold now is the original.

   Great Cancer Documentary
    or here (same documentary)

The documentary does not start talking about Essiac until about 1/2 way through.

 BOTH of these above links no longer work.  The top link YT admits it is because the video violates YT guidelines.

Cancer Cure, Essiac Tea, and Canada's Cancer Cure Nurse Rene Caisse


 Story of Rene Caisse and Essiac Part 1  

   Part 1    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X65-XfOWssA

   Part 2    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXJ7T1fd9SA

   Part 3    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4dh1yPxCBU

 Essiac can decrease pain while a patient undergoes conventional therapy.


   Part 1     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X65-XfOWssA

   Part 2     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXJ7T1fd9SA

   Part 3     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4dh1yPxCBU

January 2014

Johns  Hopkins Update – Very Good  Article 


Cancer  Update from Johns Hopkins : 

1. Every  person has cancer cells in the body. These  cancer  

    cells  do not show up in the standard tests until they  have

    multiplied to a few  billion. When doctors tell cancer  patients

    that there are no  more cancer cells in their bodies  after  

     treatment, it just means the tests are unable to  detect the

    cancer cells  because they have not reached the  detectable


2.  Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10  times in a  

     person's lifetime. 

3. When  the person's immune system is strong  the cancer 

    cells  will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying  and

    forming  tumors. 

4.  When a person has cancer it indicates the person  has

    nutritional  deficiencies. These could be due to  genetic,

    but also  to environmental, food and  lifestyle factors. 

5.  To overcome the multiple nutritional  deficiencies, changing

    diet to  eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5  times/day

        and by including supplements will  strengthen the immune system. 

6.  Chemotherapy involves  poisoning the  rapidly-growing

    cancer  cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy  cells

    in the bone marrow,  gastrointestinal tract etc, and  can 

    cause organ  damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs  etc. 

7..  Radiation while destroying cancer  cells also burns,  scars 

    and damages  healthy cells, tissues and organs. 

8.  Initial treatment with chemotherapy and  radiation will often

     reduce tumor size. However prolonged use  of

    chemotherapy and  radiation do not result in more  tumor


9.  When the body has too much toxic burden  from

    chemotherapy and  radiation the immune system is  either

    compromised or  destroyed, hence the person can  succumb

    to various kinds  of infections and complications. 

10.  Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer  cells to

       mutate and become resistant and difficult  to destroy.

       Surgery can also cause cancer  cells to spread to  other


11.  An effective way to battle cancer is to starve  the cancer

       cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs  to multiply. 


a. Sugar  substitutes like NutraSweet,  Equal, Spoonful, etc are  made

    with Aspartame and it is  harmful.  A better natural  substitute

     would be  Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very  small

      amounts. Table  salt has  a chemical added to make it white  in

    color Better  alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea  salt. 

b. Milk causes  the body to produce mucus, especially in  the

    gastro-intestinal  tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By  cutting

    off milk and  substituting with unsweetened soy milk  cancer

    cells are being  starved. 

c.  Cancer cells thrive in an acid  environment. A  meat-based

   diet is  acidic and  it is best to eat fish, and a little other  meat,

       like chicken. Meat also contains  livestock

    antibiotics,  growth hormones and parasites, which are  all

    harmful, especially to  people with cancer. 

d.  A diet made of 80% fresh  vegetables and juice,  whole

    grains, seeds, nuts  and a little fruits help put the body  into

    an alkaline  environment. About 20% can be from  cooked

    food including  beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide  live

    enzymes that are  easily absorbed and reach down  to

    cellular levels within  15 minutes to nourish and  enhance

    growth of healthy  cells. To obtain live enzymes for  building

    healthy cells try  and drink fresh vegetable juice  (most

    vegetables including  be an sprouts) and eat some raw

     vegetables 2 or 3 times a  day. Enzymes are  destroyed at

     temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees  C).. 

e.  Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate,  which have high

     caffeine Green  tea is  a better alternative e and has  cancer

    fighting  properties. Water-best to drink purified water,  or

    filtered, to avoid  known toxins and heavy metals in  tap

    water. Distilled water  is acidic, avoid it. 

12. Meat  protein is difficult to digest and  requires a lot  of

      digestive  enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in  the

      intestines  becomes putrefied and leads to more  toxic


13.  Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering.  By

      refraining  from or eating less meat it frees more  enzymes

      to  attack the protein walls of cancer cells and  allows the

       body's killer cells to destroy the cancer  cells. 

14. Some  supplements build up the immune  system

      (IP6,  Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins,  minerals,

      EFAs  etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to  destroy

      cancer  cells.. Other supplements like  vitamin E are known

       to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell  death, the body's

       normal method of disposing of damaged,  unwanted, or

       unneeded cells. 

15.  Cancer is a disease of the mind, body,  and  spirit.

      A  proactive and positive spirit will help the  cancer warrior

     be a  survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and  bitterness put

      the body into a stressful and acidic  environment. Learn  to

     have a loving and  forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and  enjoy


16.  Cancer cells cannot thrive in an  oxygenated

       environment. Exercising daily,  and deep breathing help  to

      get more  oxygen down to the cellular level.  Oxygen 

       therapy is another means employed to destroy  cancer


1. No  plastic containers in  micro

2. No  water bottles in  freezer

3. No  plastic wrap in  microwave.. 

Johns  Hopkins has recently sent this out in its  newsletters. This information is being  circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as  well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially  breast cancer. Dioxins are highly  poisonous to the cells of our bodies.  Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in  them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.  Recently, Dr Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program  Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program  to explain this health hazard. He talked about  dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said  that we should not be heating our food in the  microwave using plastic containers. This  especially applies to foods that contain fat. He  said that the combination of fat, high heat, and  plastics releases dioxin into the food and  ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead,  he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware,  Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food.  You get the same results, only without the  dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant  ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from  the container and heated in something else.  Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in  the paper. It's just safer to use tempered  glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a  while ago some of the fast food restaurants  moved away from the foam containers to paper The  dioxin problem is one of the  reasons. 

Please  share this with your whole email  list......................... 


Also,  he pointed out that plastic wrap, such  as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed  over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the  food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous  toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap  and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper  towel instead. 

This  is an article that should be sent to anyone  important in your life.
